A new direction

I took a step back from this blog and now I feel a need to share why.

I began writing as a platform to create an image of myself as someone suitable to work in the scientific world, with a particular focus on aquaculture, but the more time that passed after completing my Master, the more I began to realize what I have experienced in life that I wish to express.


I kept writing but didn’t publish anything as the topics seemed irrelevant compared with my original goal and too personal to share with strangers or even my friends. Part of the reason for this is that I’ve been on an intense, eye-opening journey of personal growth and discovery, which peeked in the last 7 months thanks to living and working in a community and personal development course centre called Ängsbacka.


Being here has enabled me to see myself and others like never before; to take responsibility for my thoughts and my actions; and to step back from judging others.


I felt inspired to relaunch this blog last week when I spontaneously joined a Zen Coaching Training module.


I had liked the idea of coaching and have been told many times that I have the skill for this, but I refrained from investigating further because in my mind life coaches focused on logic and ignored the true purpose of the individual. But this wasn’t like any coaching I had imagined: it is coaching from presence, honoring the individual for their own journey and guiding the client to see what is important for them through gentle guidance.


I’m now running a crowding funding campaign to help bring Heart-Centered Coaching to all. You can follow my campaign at: www.gofundme.com/zen-coaching-training



I will continue to share regular posts, videos and feedback from people I have held space or coaching sessions for.


Soon I will create a platform for those curious enough to receive a session during my training phase, with the hope that you will benefit from the exchange and feel inspired to support me in supporting others in the future through donating.


It would be my honor if you would follow me on this journey and I welcome your feedback and contributions.